Talks & Tutorials

An overview of Fully Homomorphic Encryption techniques.
LIS Seminar, Aix-Marseille Université, April 2024.

Plug-and-play sanitization for TFHE. Pdf
ECO Seminar, LIRMM, Université de Montpellier, April 2024.
Almasty Seminar, Sorbonne Université, March 2024.
LACS Seminar, University of Luxembourg, March 2024.

Fully Homomorphic Encryption and private Heatmap evaluation. Pdf
European Cyber Week, November 2022.

Plug-and-play sanitization for TFHE. Pdf
Séminaire C2, October 2022.

Fully Homomorphic Encryption and applications to Machine Learning.
Trail Workshop, September 2021.
Telecom Paris Crypto Seminar, October 2021.

Homomorphic Encryption and Applications to secure e-voting.
LSL Seminar CEA LIST, Saclay, June 2019.

Regroupenent de l'Indutrie Fançaise pour la sécurité post-quantique.
PIA Grands Défis du Numérique.
RESSI, Erquy, May 2019.

Tutorials on Fully Homomorphic Encryption and TFHE.
EIT Digital Summer School on Security and Privacy, Trento, Italy, July 2017.

Faster Fully Homomorphic Encryption: Bootstrapping in less than 0.1 seconds.
Applied Cryptography Group Seminar at Orange Labs, Caen, March 2017.
CEA LIST, Saclay, February 2017.

New techniques for Multi-value Input Homomorphic Evaluation and Applications. Pdf
CT-RSA 2019, San Fransisco, March 2019.

Tutorial on e-voting: Benelios and Post-Quantum analogue.
CryptoBG Summer School. Oriahivitza, Bulgaria, July 2016.

Introduction to Homomorphic Encryption.
Expo 2015, Milan, September 2015.

Structural Lattice Reduction and application to worst-case to average-case lattice Reduction.
Seminar at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, November 2014.
Seminar at University de Versailles, France, May 2013.
Seminar at Université de Caen, France, March 2012.

Introductory tutorial in Cryptology.
CryptoBG Summer School. Oriahivitza, Bulgaria, July 2012.

Accreditations anonymes non-interactives. Link
Séminaire Verimag, April 2012.
Seminar at LORIA, Nancy, July 2012.

Difficulté du problème du sac à dos en moyenne. Link
Séminaire Verimag, April 2012.

Divisible e-cash in the standard model. Pdf
Pairing conference, Franfurt, June 2012.
Journées C2, Île d'Oléron, April 2011.

Block-wise P-signatures and Non-Interactive Anonymous Credentials with Efficient Attributes. Pdf
IMACC conference, Oxford, December 2011.

Mediated Traceable Anonymous Encryption. Pdf
Latincrypt conference, August 2010.

Anonymous and Transparent Gateway-based Authenticated Key-Exchange. Pdf
Université de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, July 2009.
CANS Conference, Hong Kong, December 2008.

New Anonymity Notions for Identity-based Encryption.
SCN Conference, Amalfi, September 2008.
Université de Cean, November 2008.