Project Grants
2023: FASIC ECPD (Campus France).
2021-2023: Crypto4Graph-AI (Projet ANR).
2017-2020: RISQ (Projet BPI).
Regroupement de l'Industrie française pour la Sécurité Post-Quantique.
2016-2020: C3ISP (Projet H2020).
Collaborative and Confidential Information Sharing and Analysis for Cyber Protection.
2015-2016: EIT Project HC@WORKS (for HomomorphicCryptocomputing@Works).
for proposing a practical user interface as a showcase applications of Fully Homomorphic Encryption.
2015-2018: CryptoComp (Projet FUI).
Plateforme de Cryptocalcul pour le Cloud.
Research projects I was involved in as a post-doctoral researcher and phd student:2012-2013: PROSECURE: Provably secure systems: foundations, design, and modularity.
ERC Project Prosecure lead by Véronique Cortier.
2009-2011: COPRIM Near Field - COntactless PRIvacy Manager (Projet ANR).
Responsible of the task Privacy for Contactless and threat analysis.
2007-2011: PACE Pairings and Advances in Cryptology for E-cash (Projet ANR).
2005-2009: BACH Biometric Authentication with Cryptographic Handling (Projet ANR).