Open Source Projects

TETRIS: Priva-T-e Functional -E-xplora-T-I-on over La-R-ge Data-S-ets

Privacy-preserving database exploration.

FHE sanitization

Two Constructions to sanitize TFHE ciphertexts are implemented.

Both are presented in the paper Plug-and-Play Sanitization for TFHE.

TFHE: Fast Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Torus.

A fast open-source library for fully homomorphic encryption.


IDASH (Idash privacy & security workshop) competitions.

2023 with Broad-MIT-Tune Insight (second position).

2018 with team CEA-Inpher-Tune Insight (third position);

2017 with team CEA (second position).

Asiacrypt 2016 Best Paper Award

Faster Fully Homomorphic Encryption: Bootstrapping in less than 0.1 seconds.

TFHE Poster presented at Homomorphic Encryption Standardization 2018 Workshop.